Thursday, September 5, 2013

Some Good News!

Dr. Palacios just came out from seeing Daniel and he said things are looking a bit better. He feels that most of Daniel's problems have been related to his breathing. After the trach, due to Danny's malnourished state, he did not heal tightly around the canula (the tube in this throat), so there was oxygen leaking out of that. That may have led to the other heart issues. Right now, with the ventilator going through his mouth, he is oxygenating much better and his heart is beating regularly and well. Praise Jesus! He is totally sedated. Since he is "stable" they are going to just leave him like that today and not move anything. They are considering doing a heart cath tomorrow to check his heart function and see what is going wrong on the inside, but are going to give him today to just rest. There is always a risk of another heart attack, but we are in a better position than just a few hours ago. Praise, praise, praise Jesus! He is soooooo merciful! We still trust Him to do His perfect will!

El Dr. Palacios acaba de salir de ver a Daniel y dice que los cosas se ven un poco mejor. El siente que los problemas de Daniel estan relacionados con su oxigenacion. Despues del traqueo, debido a su malnutricion, no se cerro la herida alrededor de la canula (el tubo que entra en su garganta), y habia oxigeno fugandose por alli. Esto puede haber causado algunos problemas con su corazon. Por ahora, con el ventilador por medio de su boca esta oxigenandose mucho mejor y su corazon esta en un ritmo normal. Gloria a Dios! Danny esta totalmente sedado. Ya que esta "estable", no le van a mover nada hoy para ver como evoluciona. Estan considerando hacer un cateterismo manana para checar su corazon y ver si encuentran lo que esta fallando adentro, pero le van a dar hoy para descansar. Siempre hay un riesgo de otro paro en cualquier momento, pero estamos ahorita un poco mejor que hace un par de horas. Alaben, alaben, alaben a Jesus! Es tan misericordioso! Todavia le confiamos para hacer su perfecta voluntad.

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