Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Preparing the Mark

It gets more exciting here every day. Sunday evening we had a visitor. Larry Young, who is a member of the work group that is coming at the end of the month, flew in to take a look. He came to build a plan for hooking up all the buildings to the new transformer that is coming soon. Monday morning we got up and took a brief tour of the buildings so Larry could get an idea about what needs to happen. After taking some measurements and getting a basic plan in mind, it was off to Mexico City to meet the electrical contractor who is installing the transformer.
It was very important to meet the contractor so he could take us to one of the suppliers he uses. He and the store clerks were very good to work with and patient as we worked out a material list from English to Spanish.

Larry double checking the list

Larry and I were both impressed with the electrical supply store. They had almost everything we will need to hook up the buildings to the transformer (Usually it takes trips to multiple stores to find everything you need!). When we got back to the Ranch, Larry went over the list and came up with a plan that should work.

Even though this was a very short trip, Larry at least got an introduction to all the folks here at Refuge Ranch. Danny was especially fond of him and enjoyed being held every chance he got.

Larry with Danny enjoying the morning sun

Tuesday morning the kids were disappointed that he was leaving so soon, but they were glad to hear he will be back soon.

Thanks Larry for taking the time to get things set up so we will be able to hook up and power up.


Tracy Cox said...

Love the picture. So excited this next phase is on the way! Praying all goes smoothly!

Ashleigh said...

This is making me sooooo EXCITED!!!!! :) I can't wait to be there!