Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017...(dot, dot, dot)

2017...(dot, dot, dot)

Those three little dots after a date, or after a phrase, hold so much unknown!  What do they hold for 2017?  How much living, dying, joy, pain, success, failure, tears and laughter are hidden in those three little ink spots?

We may not know what those ink spots hold for this coming year, but we can know who holds each of the more than 31 million upcoming seconds contained in the dates whose commas will be followed by 2017.

"But I trust in you, Lord;
I say, "You are my God."
My times are in your hands."  
Psalm 31:14-15a

The anticipation that comes with following Christ can nearly take your breath away!  Not knowing what the future holds, yet having the privilege of personally knowing the One for whom the future has already passed, creates a security beyond human comprehension and provides the freedom to move fully into a future fully safe in His hands!

Those of us entrusted with the leadership of Fishers of Men Ministries feel this sense of anticipation as we begin to get glimpses of what the Lord may desire to do in this year!  In upcoming blogs, I will share more about His moving here at Refuge Ranch, but today I want to share with you what we trust the Lord has prepared for the Evangelistic Medical Mission Crusades!

2017 Evangelistic Medical Mission Crusade Calendar
(Local one or two day crusades are written in normal font; while bold font represents full length crusades.)

January 21

Iglesia Cristiana de Paz, 
Ixtapaluca, State of Mexico

1 & 2
3 & 4

EMMC Inventory
EMMC Conference

February 13 - 20

Comala & Remudadero, Colima

March 4

Chalco, State of Mexico

March 15 -18

Chilpancingo, Guerrero

April 1& 2

El Triunfo, Mexico City

April 10 -15

Durango, Durango

May 8- 12

Teziutlan, Puebla

June 12 - 19

Oaxaca & Puebla

12 & 13
14 & 15

EMMC Inventory
EMMC Conference


Jalapa de Diaz, Oaxaca

September 4 - 10

Uruapan & Lombardía, Michoacán

October 3 - 12

Los Mochis**

November 6 - 10


November 18

Xola, Mexico City
December 4 - 8

Cuautla, Texcala, Morelos

"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness." Matthew 9:35

The Evangelistic Medical Mission Crusade (EMMC) teams seek to emulate this verse as they take the good news of the kingdom to the towns and villages mentioned above, working through the local church and healing as many diseases and sicknesses as the Lord empowers them to heal!

Thank you for praying for each of these crusades: for the volunteers, their safety, the provision for all of the earthly resources required to carry out a crusade (anywhere from $1500 to $2500 for a weeklong crusade during which hundreds of individuals receive free personal care and attention), the local churches that host each of the crusades, and, most importantly, for each and every individual that will receive free medical care and have the opportunity to believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and find true and eternal healing from the greatest illness of all....sin!

We especially covet your prayers for Adrian and Vero Tovar and their son, Isaac, as they lead the Evangelistic Medical Mission Crusade ministry!

So, let's get on with the dot, dot, dot and see what God has in store for 2017!

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