Thursday, September 5, 2013

Now the not so good news..../Y ahora las noticias no tan buenas....

Danny suffered another two heart attacks today at 4:15 p.m., numbers five and six for today. The doctors called us in, as we had requested, and watched the doctor do chest compressions and then shock him twice to get his heart back in rhythm. Danny is still with us! He is extremely unstable, but has a good heart beat and good heart pressure again and LOTS of medications! It was a surreal experience and I truly felt a peace that passes all understanding. With the same breath I said: "Lord, if it is your will, take him. Lord, breathe your life into him." My Jesus knows my heart: "Not my will be done, but yours, Father."

Thankfully our Pastor, his wife, two of my friends from church and Ricardo and Susana (our hosts where I sleep, we bathe, etc.) were downstairs, bringing us something to eat, at the time and could pray during and with us afterwards.

Danny sufrio dos paros hoy a las 4:15 quinta y sexta del dia de hoy. Los doctores nos hablaron como habiamos pedido y miramos mientras el Dr. le hacia compresiones y luego dos veces con una carga electrica para regresar su ritmo cardiaca. Pero....Danny sigue aqui con nosotros! Esta extremadamente inestable, pero tiene un buen ritmo cardiaca y una buena presion y MUCHO medicamento. Fue una experiencia irreal y senti una paz que verdaderamente pasa todo entendimiento. Con el mismo respiro dije: "Senor, si es tu voluntad, llevalo. Senor, sopla su respiro de vida en el." Mi Cristo conoce mi corazon: "Que no se haga mi voluntad, Padre, pero la tuya."

Gracias a Dios que el Pastor Ruben, Ely, la Hma. Isabel, Bere, Ricardo y Susana estaban en planta principal y pudieron orar con nosotros despues de que paso.

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