Monday, August 19, 2013

Latest News on Danny

Results of Danny's procedure: his trachea, esophagas and brochials are all very swollen - official diagnosis: severe tracheal endo bronchitis. Also, one of his vocal cords is paralyzed which could also be blocking his airway. All cultures for infection so far are negative, but he has a low fever and the blood tests still indicate a possible infection. He will continue on antibiotics and steroids for three days. Nothing more can be done medically at this time. Possibly Thursday they may try to remove the vent again. If the swelling is down and he still can't breathe, they will do a tracheotomy. That is safer than keeping him on the vent any longer, because he needs to start breathing on his own in order for his organs to get the exercise they need to recover from surgery. Three specialists, (pulmonologist, ICU Dr., and Dr. Palacios who did the heart surgery) are all working together and agreeing on this course of action. They told Julie that Danny's situation is not life threatening at this time. Please pray for healing of the trachea, esophagas, bronchials and vocal cord. (Julie's Mom)

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