Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Toilet Paper Tactics

By Lucy

When we first crossed the border into Mexico, one of the first things Victor did was buy a roll of toilet paper. He tossed it to us, laughed, and said, “You will need this in Mexico.”

I am learning just how true that is. Whenever I leave Refuge Ranch, I always carry my own roll of toilet paper with me. It is useful for blowing your nose, wiping grease off of your hands, silly pranks (as you can see by the picture), and yes, for going to the bathroom. In Mexico, most public bathrooms do not have toilet paper. If you’re lucky, someone will be standing outside the bathroom with some, and you may purchase a couple of pieces from them. Also, the toilets do not have toilet seats on them. The first bathroom I visited also had another difference. The toilets didn’t flush! After using a toilet, you went outside where there was a bucket of water, and “flushed” the toilet with the bucket of water.

Toilet paper seems like such a minor thing, but when you don’t have it, you realize how important it is, and how useful! It may seem like a major hassle to carry it with you, but when you look at the bigger picture, it is just a minor inconvenience. It’s very different from back home in Indiana, but I am learning like Paul, “to be content, whatever the circumstances.” Philippians 4:11. And like the Boy Scouts, I’m learning to “Always be prepared!”

Just a note to Mom and Dad: After toilet papering Ashleigh’s room, I folded up all the toilet paper for another use. I knew you would be proud!


Unknown said...

Good to see some things never change!! Keep praying we'll see SOLD on that sign accross the street.Please know we're praying for you.

Missy said...

Next time we get TPd, I roll everything back up for you!