"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:36-38
"Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." John 4:35
It has been harvest time around here lately in so many ways! First of all, it is fall and is literally, in the physical sense of the word, harvest time! Here in Mexico harvest is done the old-fashioned way by putting cornstalks in cornshocks (is that the right word?) - tepee-like structures. There is nothing more beautiful than a bright blue fall sky and a field full of cornshocks - wow!
I have experienced several other types of harvests in the last week. A little over a week ago I attended and helped lead a women's retreat for our church - Mujer de Gracia (Woman of Grace). This began as a women's retreat for ladies from our church, but the Lord exploded it into something so much bigger! Over 140 women attended the retreat, which was held in Acapulco, Guerrero!
There are truly not words to describe all that the Lord did that weekend! I had read the verses that I printed above throughout my whole life. But, up to now, my experience with spiritual harvests had included a whole lot of hard work and perseverance. If I have learned anything from my Dad, a pastor, it has been perseverance as he has stayed at the same church for over 35 years, faithfully serving during ups and downs, times of great growth, slow growth and no growth; getting up every morning at 5 a.m. to diligently follow his call to write and then receive reject letter after reject letter from publishing houses. My ministry experience has been much the same - sharing the Gospel with individuals numerous times until they finally accept the Lord, then walking with them as they slowly grow in the Lord, tripping as they go.
Me giving morning devotions to the women on the beach! Now that was fun!
The women truly were "harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd". Many come from abusive childhoods and are now married to abusive and alcoholic men. One woman came after her husband just left her for another man! Another woman's husband just left her for another woman, while her two sons are homosexuals - one was just married and is a transvestite and the other is in prison. Another told me about accompanying her husband to the table dance bar in desperation that he would accept and love her!
However, its was incredible to watch the transformation that took place in their lives, hearts and faces in only 4 days! They left the retreat with Jesus as their shepherd - no longer lost and wandering, but full of purpose, direction, hope, joy, peace and love! Praise the Lord!
The retreat also gave me the opportunity to harvest several other kinds of harvests! One was with my own children. Adrian, Vero and Ana (three staff members) stayed at home with the kids and....the kids did great! When I have left on other occasions, that has not always been the case, but I felt like the fact that things went smoothly at home was a harvest of having sown love and security into our children's lives over the years, as well as having sown the vision to love the children in our staff's lives.
I was actually the fruit of the third type of harvest. Our main conference speaker at the retreat was Martelisa Caceres. She and her husband Daniel worked for the Indiana State Baptist Convention when Victor and I were pastoring in Logansport, IN (from 1997-2003). Daniel was Victor's supervisor, but came to be like Victor's father. Both Daniel and Martelisa came to Acapulco last week and Victor and I were able to spend some time with them. I told them that all that the Lord was doing in the women's retreat was also a harvest of the time and effort that they had invested in our lives by mentoring, teaching and loving us when we were in Indiana. It was an honor to have them present and witness the way the Lord used Victor and I through the retreat.
This same type of harvest applies to my own parents. Had it not been for the years and years that they faithfully planted the seeds of God's word, His purposes and plans, and true love in my heart and life as a little girl, I would not be the woman that I am today. Not to even mention the fact that they continue to plant seeds of encouragement in my life on nearly a daily basis, along with consistent and fervent prayer, that I can be a faithful servant of the Lord - like they have been and are!
Finally, the last harvest that I witnessed was a precious gift from God just for me! There are times in our lives when the Lord truly pampers us - not as spoiled children, but as faithful servants. After leaving Logansport over 7 years ago to follow God's call on our lives to come to Mexico, I doubted I would ever have women friends like I had in Logansport. We live over an hour from our church here in Mexico and the simple fact of raising 12 children and coordinating a ministry takes up most of my time! However, in the planning and preparation for this retreat God has blessed me with three wonderful women - all very unique and in different places with the Lord, but who love me dearly and whom I have grown to love - FRIENDS! Yeah! The Lord also blessed me with showers of encouragement from the many ladies who attended the retreat. This year has been a very difficult year emotionally, and their words of love and encouragement were truly a balm from Heaven, a salve for my soul and I cannot thank my Heavenly Father enough for such a special, undeserved and precious gift from Him!
So, run, go and find the harvest! It truly is waiting - just for you!
I have experienced several other types of harvests in the last week. A little over a week ago I attended and helped lead a women's retreat for our church - Mujer de Gracia (Woman of Grace). This began as a women's retreat for ladies from our church, but the Lord exploded it into something so much bigger! Over 140 women attended the retreat, which was held in Acapulco, Guerrero!
There are truly not words to describe all that the Lord did that weekend! I had read the verses that I printed above throughout my whole life. But, up to now, my experience with spiritual harvests had included a whole lot of hard work and perseverance. If I have learned anything from my Dad, a pastor, it has been perseverance as he has stayed at the same church for over 35 years, faithfully serving during ups and downs, times of great growth, slow growth and no growth; getting up every morning at 5 a.m. to diligently follow his call to write and then receive reject letter after reject letter from publishing houses. My ministry experience has been much the same - sharing the Gospel with individuals numerous times until they finally accept the Lord, then walking with them as they slowly grow in the Lord, tripping as they go.
However, this women's retreat was a new experience in harvesting for the Lord! It was as if the Holy Spirit had been working on these ladies' hearts for years and they were just waiting for somebody to come along and pick the fruit! And pick fruit we did! Over 25 ladies accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior FOR THE FIRST TIME and 8 of them were baptized in the Pacific Ocean during our devotions on Sunday morning!
Many of the ladies who made decisions for Christ had heard the Gospel before, on numerous occasions, from family members and friends, but had had hard and callous hearts towards the Lord. Several didn't even want to go to the retreat, but did so because it was a cheap vacation in Acapulco. Others went on the retreat with the intention of going to bars and dance halls while in Acapulco! But, did they ever get the surprise of their lives when the Holy Spirit moved in their hearts and they ended up accepting Jesus Christ! The women were so hungry for love, God's love! It was sheer joy to dish up hugs, encouragement and God's healing Word in abundance!
Many of the ladies who made decisions for Christ had heard the Gospel before, on numerous occasions, from family members and friends, but had had hard and callous hearts towards the Lord. Several didn't even want to go to the retreat, but did so because it was a cheap vacation in Acapulco. Others went on the retreat with the intention of going to bars and dance halls while in Acapulco! But, did they ever get the surprise of their lives when the Holy Spirit moved in their hearts and they ended up accepting Jesus Christ! The women were so hungry for love, God's love! It was sheer joy to dish up hugs, encouragement and God's healing Word in abundance!
However, its was incredible to watch the transformation that took place in their lives, hearts and faces in only 4 days! They left the retreat with Jesus as their shepherd - no longer lost and wandering, but full of purpose, direction, hope, joy, peace and love! Praise the Lord!
The retreat also gave me the opportunity to harvest several other kinds of harvests! One was with my own children. Adrian, Vero and Ana (three staff members) stayed at home with the kids and....the kids did great! When I have left on other occasions, that has not always been the case, but I felt like the fact that things went smoothly at home was a harvest of having sown love and security into our children's lives over the years, as well as having sown the vision to love the children in our staff's lives.
I was actually the fruit of the third type of harvest. Our main conference speaker at the retreat was Martelisa Caceres. She and her husband Daniel worked for the Indiana State Baptist Convention when Victor and I were pastoring in Logansport, IN (from 1997-2003). Daniel was Victor's supervisor, but came to be like Victor's father. Both Daniel and Martelisa came to Acapulco last week and Victor and I were able to spend some time with them. I told them that all that the Lord was doing in the women's retreat was also a harvest of the time and effort that they had invested in our lives by mentoring, teaching and loving us when we were in Indiana. It was an honor to have them present and witness the way the Lord used Victor and I through the retreat.
This same type of harvest applies to my own parents. Had it not been for the years and years that they faithfully planted the seeds of God's word, His purposes and plans, and true love in my heart and life as a little girl, I would not be the woman that I am today. Not to even mention the fact that they continue to plant seeds of encouragement in my life on nearly a daily basis, along with consistent and fervent prayer, that I can be a faithful servant of the Lord - like they have been and are!
Finally, the last harvest that I witnessed was a precious gift from God just for me! There are times in our lives when the Lord truly pampers us - not as spoiled children, but as faithful servants. After leaving Logansport over 7 years ago to follow God's call on our lives to come to Mexico, I doubted I would ever have women friends like I had in Logansport. We live over an hour from our church here in Mexico and the simple fact of raising 12 children and coordinating a ministry takes up most of my time! However, in the planning and preparation for this retreat God has blessed me with three wonderful women - all very unique and in different places with the Lord, but who love me dearly and whom I have grown to love - FRIENDS! Yeah! The Lord also blessed me with showers of encouragement from the many ladies who attended the retreat. This year has been a very difficult year emotionally, and their words of love and encouragement were truly a balm from Heaven, a salve for my soul and I cannot thank my Heavenly Father enough for such a special, undeserved and precious gift from Him!
So, run, go and find the harvest! It truly is waiting - just for you!
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