Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Books Everywhere!" by Ashleigh

Just so you all know, we did not fall off of the face of the earth! :) The start of the week was rather busy and I think that Julie had a hard time finding time to blog. I had talked to the Marshall's about switching days with them so that I could post on Wednesday since my friend is coming in on Friday and I would have an airport run. I was planning on blogging after dinner as I spent the day wrapped up in a huge project. However, we mysteriously lost electricity sometime before dinner and it didn't com back on until the wee hours of the morning. Hence, no blog yesterday!

My huge project that I am working on is a library system for the Ranch. It has been quite the undertaking and I am finally beginning to see the end of the tunnel. I am cataloging all of the books on property into a home library system on Julie's computer and making sure they all have been stamped as well. It's been a challenge to keep the little ones out of the office while I have been working on this project as they love books! I have enjoyed the time sitting with a view of the volcano while listening to my music as I work.

The down side to sitting in the office all day long and typing numbers and listening to music is that I don't exactly have great blogging material! So, this will have to suffice for a blog post for now. Have a marvelous day praising the Lord!

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