Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Guess We'll Have to Go Through Lucy

We try so hard to make plans that fit our schedule, but God sits on His throne and laughs at us sometimes, I think. There have been times when I have been so stressed about getting the apartment finished. We hope to at least have the bedrooms finished so we can sleep in them when we have family coming to visit in 1 1/2 weeks.
Mark has diligently been working on the tile floor, which is a slow monotonous project. Our bedroom floor is finished, except for grouting. Aaron and Joanna's floors are close too, but we don't even have bathroom tile yet.
Cirino and Alejandro have been busy digging a long deep trench for pipes to connect us to water so we will have a working bathroom soon. As they have worked on that project in the hot sun, everything was going well until...they hit a rock! Not just a little rock, but veins of lava rock (which are harder than any we have come across so far), that travel just under the dirt. No amount of hammering will move it.
Cirino rented a backhoe. It helped and removed some pretty big rocks, but could not budge the large veins of rock in our way. They tried to go around it. They tried to go over it. They tried to go under it (Anybody familiar with this song?). So now, we must go through it!
How? With dynamite! While the family is gone to church on Sunday (Where else would we be safe?), Cirino and his brave helpers will blast the rock, in hopes of removing it without doing damage to vehicles, windows that we just put in...

Sometimes in our lives, we run into situations (like a rock wall!) too big to handle. We find that we can't go around them, over them, or under them. We must go through them (just as God planned), and let Him blast the rocks out of our way, in His time. Those situations tend to bring us closer to God (just as He planned), to strengthen us in our faith (just as He planned), and to help us to rely on Him more fully (just as He planned).

One day, I was feeling overwhelmed by all there was yet to do to finish the apartment. Ashleigh said to me, "You are finishing each day exactly what God intended you to finish. That is all you need to do." I try to remember that now as we wait to see what God will do Sunday with the giant rocks in our path. And I will try to remember it each time I come up against a "rock" in my path that I somehow must go through.

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