The beginning of each Evangelistic Medical Mission Crusade is always so exciting! Volunteers for the crusades come from all over! On this crusade there are volunteers from Mexico City, from the Mexican states of Michoacan and the State of Mexico, and from Indiana! If the crusade location is north or east of Mexico City, the team meets at a WalMart parking lot near a major toll road heading in that direction. However, if the crusade location is south or west of Mexico City, like this time, the team meets at....Refuge Ranch!
Here in our home at Refuge Ranch we have 30 placemats and approximately 30 chairs that can be placed at the three 8 foot tables that fill our kitchen. When Josiah set the table for supper on Monday night he used every table and placemat to be found and we still had people standing around and sitting in the living room. Needless to say, the noise level in our house that afternoon might have reached levels that could be considered dangerous! I truly believe that all that noise, chatter, laughter and conversation as volunteers converged from different states, different countries, different languages, different backgrounds, different ages was truly music to our Heavenly Father's ears!
Well, Tuesday's lunch was quite the opposite! There were only 17 of us at the table and the house felt so quiet! (Here's a joke: How do you know when you have a big family? When 17 feels like just a few!) It almost felt like I was home alone...almost! You see, not only did Victor and Rosa go on this crusade, like every crusade, but this time the entire Marshall family, Mark, Lucy, Aaron and Joanna, went along, as well as Ashleigh! So, Magda and I are the only ones left back at Refuge Ranch, along with Cirino, my 12 children, Erika and Cirino's two kids! There are now only 17 of us at the table at each meal - 15 children and two adults! Talk about fun!
It's interesting, isn't it, how the word "alone" doesn't only refer to being physically separated from others, but emotionally as well. I am certainly not "alone" in that I have my 12 wonderful children surrounding me, but sometimes, when Victor is gone, I can feel very "alone" emotionally. I cannot express my gratitude to the Lord enough for giving me a husband like Victor. Anybody who knows us at all knows that we have not had, and do not have, an easy marriage (Is any marriage easy?) as we try to join two cultures, two languages, two opposite backgrounds and upbringings between two very strong-headed individuals! But the Lord, in His infinite grace and mercy, has joined us together and our love and commitment has only grown stronger through the years. When Victor is home his nighttime hugs and words of appreciation are my daily paycheck! When Victor is home I don't have to make all of the discipline decisions and ministry decisions alone and question myself as I do! When Victor is home there are two of us to meet the emotional needs of our 12 children! When Victor is home nighttime seems less dark and ominous!
While I may feel alone at times, even while surrounded by 24 little arms, the Lord, of course, reminds me that I am far from being alone! As well as Victor understands me and the life the Lord has called us to lead, my Heavenly Father, my Best Friend, the Lover of my Soul, understands me better than I understand myself - what a relief! He knit me together in my mother's womb and new from the beginning of time that I had been created to love these children and help lead this ministry. Praise God that while Refuge Ranch may be less hectic and quieter this week and it may appear that I am home alone, I am not! There are two great staff members carrying the load with me, 12 beautiful children more than willing to give lots of hugs and kisses and, above all, a gloriously gracious Heavenly Father right here with me, 24/7!
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20
One last note: Thanks for keeping this crusade in your prayers like you always do! The team arrived safely to the crusade site Tuesday evening and will not be home again until next Tuesday, March 2. Pray especially that this would be a wonderful time of ministry and growth for Aaron and Joanna. I am very proud of them for all that they are allowing the Lord to do in their lives and I am confident that this crusade will be another step in their growth and maturity process as they serve the Lord during their teenage years here in Mexico. Please also pray that the Lord would use this crusade experience to enrich the Fishers of Men board as our two newest board members, Emy Bridge and Teresa Moore, both from Indiana, are participating on this crusade. Thanks for holding up the team!
With much love and gratitude,
One last note: Thanks for keeping this crusade in your prayers like you always do! The team arrived safely to the crusade site Tuesday evening and will not be home again until next Tuesday, March 2. Pray especially that this would be a wonderful time of ministry and growth for Aaron and Joanna. I am very proud of them for all that they are allowing the Lord to do in their lives and I am confident that this crusade will be another step in their growth and maturity process as they serve the Lord during their teenage years here in Mexico. Please also pray that the Lord would use this crusade experience to enrich the Fishers of Men board as our two newest board members, Emy Bridge and Teresa Moore, both from Indiana, are participating on this crusade. Thanks for holding up the team!
With much love and gratitude,
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