As I have looked back over the past couple of weeks and the pictures that have been taken, one thing that struck me were all the lessons learned (whether we were in school or not!). Some lessons seem simple, while others are harder for us to understand and retain.
Princesa is a puppy so she behaves like a puppy. She is often being told "No!" for something she has done wrong. She sometimes pees in the house, chews on shoes or socks, or tears up a roll of toilet paper left within her reach. Life is full of temptations for her. But she is learning what "No," means, and she is praised when she does something well. She is learning to be a good dog.
God often has to tell us "No." He disciplines us because He knows it is the only way we will learn what He expects from us. He disciplines us because He loves us and wants what is best for us.
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." --Hebrews 12:11
In preschool, we were learning about the letter "L." One thing we did was go for a hike looking for leaves (because leaf begins with "L," you know!). We studied our leaves, made leaf prints, created lions from paper plates, did a page about "L," and made lemon shakeups as a snack. But do you think Ruth and Bernabe will remember the letter "L" on Monday when we have class again? Probably not. It takes repeated lessons with the letter "L" before it eventually sinks in...Oh! This is "L!"
That's what it is like for someone learning about Jesus too. Sometimes we are afraid to share about Him with others because we think it won't make a difference. And maybe it won't right away. But if they learn about His love over and over, eventually it sinks in, and a light bulb in their brain lights up, and they see Him in someone and they say...Oh! That's Jesus!
"One thing I do know. I was blind, but now I see!"--John 9:25b
They all are eager to learn. Teach them well!
Aaron taught a science class last week on semi-solids. The kids mixed cornstarch and water together. That was it, but what resulted was neither solid nor liquid. You could touch it and it was solid, but if you tried to pick it up, it became liquid in your hands. The kids really enjoyed putting their hands in the goo. It felt nice...interesting...weird...and fun. But when the experiment was over, there was nothing to do with it, but throw it away. It was quite a mess!
It made me think of lukewarm Christianity. Maybe someone who talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. They are neither hot nor cold. They might be nice, interesting, a little weird, or fun. But in the end, they are not useful for much except making a mess! It is hard to show someone who Christ is when you are not sure yourself. See what Science can teach you?
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth."--Revelations 3:15-16
It made me think of lukewarm Christianity. Maybe someone who talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. They are neither hot nor cold. They might be nice, interesting, a little weird, or fun. But in the end, they are not useful for much except making a mess! It is hard to show someone who Christ is when you are not sure yourself. See what Science can teach you?
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth."--Revelations 3:15-16
Joanna is teaching about perspective in Art class. Where do the shadows fall when the light is coming from this point or that point? How does a box look when it is sitting on a table, like a square, or much more? Her students are learning that looking at things from a different perspective really does give them a different view of them.
When we are Christians, we look at everything from a different perspective than the world does. And when we look at other people from God's perspective...Wow! Does it change our view! Adding perspective to their drawings gives more detail and another dimension to their art. Adding God's perspective to how we see others allows us to look beyond the surface and see the promise each person holds in God's eyes.
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."--1 Samuel 16:17b
When we are Christians, we look at everything from a different perspective than the world does. And when we look at other people from God's perspective...Wow! Does it change our view! Adding perspective to their drawings gives more detail and another dimension to their art. Adding God's perspective to how we see others allows us to look beyond the surface and see the promise each person holds in God's eyes.
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."--1 Samuel 16:17b
Here's one more lesson from the past few weeks. Quite often you will see little girls running around here dressed up as princesses. It makes them feel special (which they should because they are!). They behave differently when they are princesses. Their eyes shine, they smile more, and they treat others as if they have some great gift to bestow on them (Not that they aren't perfect angels all the time anyway!). They are learning to be princesses.
Doesn't God say that we are though? We are joint heirs with Christ. He expects us to behave that way, with eyes shining, faces smiling, and with the best gift of all (Jesus) to give and share with others.
"I am a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God to declare the praises of Him who called me out of darkness into His wonderful light."--1 Peter 2:9
No matter where we are, may we all continue to learn truths from His holy Word. May we continue to accept His discipline when necessary, and may we continue our study of God till we see Him in those around us, and really know it is Him. May we see others from God's perspective and see the hidden potential inside each one. May we not live our lives as a "semi-solid," but fully solid in the truth that He is God, Jesus is His son, and we are His children. And finally, may we realize that we are princes and princesses in God's royal family, with a gift to share with the world!